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What to Do When You Lose an Invisalign Aligner

2 min read
What to Do When You Lose an Invisalign Aligner

Act Quickly

  • Immediate Steps: As soon as you realize an aligner is missing, check everywhere you’ve been since you last had them. Often, aligners are lost during meals or when they are removed momentarily.

Use Your Previous Set

  • Maintain Alignment: If you can't find your current aligner, revert to wearing your previous set immediately. This will help maintain the position of your teeth while you wait for a replacement. Do not attempt to skip ahead to the next set without consulting your orthodontist.

Contact Your Orthodontist

  • Report the Loss: Contact your orthodontist as soon as possible to inform them of the situation. They will advise whether you should continue wearing your previous set or if a replacement aligner needs to be ordered.

Managing Treatment Delays

  • Minimize Impact: Losing an aligner can potentially delay your treatment, but quick action can minimize this impact. Follow your orthodontist's instructions closely until you can resume treatment with the correct aligner.

Prevent Future Losses

  • Carry a Case: Always carry your aligner case with you. Getting in the habit of immediately placing your aligners in the case when removing them can prevent future losses.

Additional Information

Learn more about managing your Invisalign treatment effectively, including what to do in unexpected situations, at Terenure Orthodontics' Invisalign page.


Losing an aligner is a common issue, but it doesn’t have to derail your treatment. By taking quick and appropriate actions and consulting with your orthodontist, you can continue on your path to a straighter smile. For guidance or to order a replacement aligner, Book Appointment at Terenure Orthodontics.

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