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We welcome referrals of dental patients. Please send us their details using the form below.

Dentist Details

Dentist Name
Practice Phone Number
Practice Name
GDC Number
Dentist Email
Clinic Address

Patient Details

First Name
Date of Birth
Mobile Phone Number
Home Phone Number

Referral Details

Referral Reason
Other Referral Reason
Upload Radiographs
Upload Clinical Photos
Further Information
Relevant Medical and Dental History

Your referral has been received. We will be in touch with any questions.

If you need to contact us for any reason, you can find our contact details here.

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Dental Council of IrelandAmerican Association of OrthodontistsIrish Dental Association LogoWorld Federation Of Orthodontists Affiliate AssociationRoyal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons LogoOrthodontics Society of Ireland
Dental Council of IrelandAmerican Association of OrthodontistsIrish Dental Association LogoWorld Federation Of Orthodontists Affiliate AssociationRoyal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons LogoOrthodontics Society of Ireland